Collaboration Partners
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CUWFA’s mission is to provide leadership in facilitating the integration of work and study with family/personal life at institutions of higher learning. This mission supports the broader goals of creating a healthy and productive environment throughout the lifespan and enhancing the work-life effectiveness of employees.
The International Employee Assistance Digital Archive, founded in 2013, is a free, open-access global repository that has become a cornerstone of the Employee Assistance profession. It is housed online through University of Maryland School of Social Work and includes thousands of original Employee Assistance and workplace behavioral health historical and current articles, webinars and other materials which have been downloaded over 200,000 times in 10+ countries.
WorldatWork is the leading global nonprofit organization for Total Rewards professionals. We serve those who are responsible for cultivating inspired, engaged, productive and committed workers in effective and rewarding workplaces. We guide them in the design and delivery of total rewards programs with our education and certification; idea exchange; thought leadership; knowledge creation; information sharing; research; advocacy; and networking.